Logwatch file being tagged as a virus file and deleted

Howard Fleming hfleming at moosebird.net
Thu Feb 28 13:30:13 GMT 2008

Is there any way to exclude a email address from being scanned for 
viruses?  For the last 3 days my logwatch file from my mail server has 
been deleted, and I get the following:

     Sender: root at messenger.mideasti.org
IP Address:
  Recipient: hfleming at mideasti.org
    Subject: LogWatch for messenger.mideasti.org
  MessageID: F254D540E8.78B90
     Report: Clamd:  message was infected: Email.Phishing.DblDom-39 FOUND

I have added root at messenger.mideasti.org to phishing.safe.sites.conf, 
but it did not make any difference (or is this the right place?).


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