"Use SpamAssassin = auto"?

David Lee t.d.lee at durham.ac.uk
Wed Feb 27 12:17:39 GMT 2008

Julian: An idle thought...

You already have a default "Virus Scanners = auto" to find whatever virus
scanner are available.  That "auto" setting is right for most of the
people most of the time: they generally don't need to do anything.

How about extending that same principle to "Use SpamAssassin"?  So the
default setting could be "Use SpamAssassin = auto" which, similarly, would
be right for most of the people most of the time.

Just a thought.

<tangent opt=ignore>
 Actually in theory, in future, if there were multiple anti-spam engines
 available one could envisage a "Spam Scanners = auto"...


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Senior Systems Programmer                Computer Centre       :
:  UNIX Team Leader                         Durham University     :
:                                           South Road            :
:  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            Durham DH1 3LE        :
:  Phone: +44 191 334 2752                  U.K.                  :

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