Somewhat OT: Clustering and HA

Alex Neuman alex at
Tue Feb 26 00:01:36 GMT 2008

Dear list,

 From time to time people have been discussing how to set up  
MailScanner so that you can get a highly-available configuration. NFS  
and locking have been discussed along with other details regarding how  
"shared" the configuration is between clusters.

I'd like to see if it would be possible to use a "pretty standard"  
config of centos(or rh)+ms+sendmail+dovecot+clamav+spamassassin 
+mailwatch(maybe)/etc. and how I could either "install from scratch"  
as a cluster or possibly "upconvert" one.

Any docs you might suggest where one would look at different Linux  
clustering scenarios, so I can pick it up from there? I could document  
my progress on the list or the wiki.

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