SQLBlackWhitelist using wildcards
William A. Knob
william at raidbr.com.br
Thu Feb 21 20:15:27 GMT 2008
Hi all!
People, I want to use "wildcards" on my black/whitelist SQL tables
to use with Mailscanner... Anybody knows how can I do that? Or anyone
has made a modification on the "SQLBlackWhiteList.pm" script to do that
*William A. Knob - Divisão Desenvolvimento*
Raidbr Soluções em Informática Ltda.
Rua José Albino Reuse, 1125. Cinquentenário. Caxias do Sul - RS
Fone/ Fax: (54) 3223.7074
Visite nosso site:
www.raidbr.com.br <http://www.raidbr.com.br>
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