HTML/Newsletters being received as unreadable code

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Feb 19 20:19:03 GMT 2008

> You misunderstand what I am asking for. I have attached the file
> Raw_email.txt to this post. That file contains the raw message to
> which I am replying (the list post from you). This is the equivalent
> of what I would like to see from one of your garbled messages.
> You appear to be using Lotus Notes as your mailer. If I could, I would
> tell you how to get what I want to see, but I have no idea how to do
> this with Lotus Notes.
I think it is something like "View message source" or
"View E-mail Message Source". Then you can copy and paste that into a new message.
It has been a long time since I used Notes. Probably before IBM bought it.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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