Question for the Experts

Matt Hayes mailscanner at
Thu Feb 14 16:13:21 GMT 2008

Kevin MURPHY wrote:
> Dear all
> I recently made some changes to a domains mx record. It use to be, mx = 
> serverA, which relays clean mail to Exchange Server
> Because this domain was really getting hammered, I moved it to a more 
> powerful spam filtering server.
> MX Record is now ServerB, which fwds clean mail to ServerA, which relays 
> it to the Exchange Server.
> My Problem now is that some spammers are still sending mail direct to my 
> ServerA for this Domain.
> So I am looking at a way to configure the ServerA, so it only excepts 
> mail for this domain if it comes from server (The more powerful one) So 
> it drops the spammers on ServerA
> Thanks
> Kevin **


This would more than likely be something you would have to configure at 
your MTA level and not within MailScanner itself.


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