[ot] internal ip address

Matt Kettler mkettler at evi-inc.com
Thu Feb 7 21:13:17 GMT 2008

Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 07/02/2008, Matt Kettler <mkettler at evi-inc.com> wrote:
>> Glenn Steen wrote:
>>>  For the
>>> vast majority of organizations, this is a very minor threat, not worth
>>> breaking RFC...
>> Like.. gmail?
> :-)
>> Received: by wa-out-1112.google.com with SMTP id m16so1283782waf.14
>> Actually, AFAIK, that doesn't actually violate the RFCs.. you MUST add a
>> Received: header, but I don't see anything in 2821/2822/1123 requiring you to
>> add a from clause.
> Ah, but the "breakage" is in _removing_ a Received line added by
> another SMTP server, be that internal or not... 

True, but to achieve the goal of the origination of this thread, you don't need 
to remove a Received line.. You just need to generate one without a "from" clause.

> Hm, maybe I'm an
> idiot, and the original question was just about the Received line
> added by the MS gw...

You're not an idiot, just lost in the noise of the thread.

The header from the original post is:
Received: from [] (pc1 [])
by smtp.vvv.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6EBF7A75C7
     for <aaa at mail.com>; Tue,  5 Feb 2008 14:16:09 +0100 (CET)

Which you could, in theory, sanitize by not generating a from clause at 

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