mailscanner dont process queue

Marco mangione marco.mangione at
Tue Dec 16 18:02:42 GMT 2008

ok i'm new here.. what thing can be useful for you to define the problem ?

2008/12/16 Alex Neuman van der Hans <alex at>

> You need to define the problem first.
> In the meantime you may want to turn off the processing and deliver the
> e-mails "as is".
> If you need help you need to specify a lot of things about your setup so
> people can start to help, otherwise we'd be just guessing.
> On Dec 16, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Marco mangione wrote:
>  i have a big queue, about 2000 email ... load average of server is 0.20
>> ... nothing! but mailscanner dont process mail.. is so slow in processing
>> ..... how can i fix the problem ?
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