MailScanner Reload error

Martin Hepworth maxsec at
Thu Dec 4 08:21:00 GMT 2008

2008/12/4 Lists <lists at>:
> Alex Neuman van der Hans wrote:
>> Only if it was supposed to be running in the first place. It's basically
>> saying "Hey, I tried going through the list of process id (pid) numbers on
>> this text file to tell the MailScanner processes to reload, but one (or
>> more) of them aren't there!".
>> On Dec 2, 2008, at 3:31 PM, Lists wrote:
>>> Reloading MailScanner workers:
>>>       MailScanner:       kill -10449: No such process
>>> kill 9570: No such process
>>> Does this indicate an error that I need to sort out?
> MailScanner is definately running at the time I do the reload so its a
> problem that its not finding the process to reload isn't it?
> Kate
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do the processes with those id's actually exist or has mailscanner got
itself confused somewhere. I guess a ps before and after the reload to

Martin Hepworth
Oxford, UK

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