yum upgrade trouble

Koopmann, Jan-Peter jan-peter at koopmann.eu
Mon Aug 18 11:10:35 IST 2008

Hi Jules,

> If you are prepared to stop MailScanner for a little while, during
> upgrade, you can

I can live with that.

> service MailScanner stop
> rpm -e perl-File-Temp perl-bignum
> yum update perl
> Then re-install MailScanner (the same version you had before will be 
> fine) using the ./install.sh script.
> service MailScanner start

Ok so the install.sh _does_ break the yum update mechanism a bit? So
either live with it and use install.sh or use Hugos yum.repository? I
could live with both unless there is a very strong argument for the one
or the other.


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