dying children?

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at technologytiger.net
Tue Aug 5 11:38:23 IST 2008

On 5 Aug 2008, at 10:44, Martin.Hepworth wrote:

> Drew
> Most the timeouts are usually down the DNS issues or bayes. I'd  
> check you're bayes is OK and..
> 1) you've got a local caching name-server on the machine in  
> question, this can make a huge difference even if you've got sub- 
> milisecond latency to the actual DNS host.
> 2) you're only running a select few RBL's and URI-RBL's within SA  
> (give all others a zero score in spam.assassin.prefs.conf).

Bayes should be ok, it's on SQL with a copy held locally. DNS recursor  
is on the box and in use. The only thing I have still got in place is  
all the standard RBLs & URI-RBLs. However they don't seem to be the  
issue. When I manage to capture a suspect message and run it back  
through manually SA chokes at 'Running body tests' (Or at least that's  
the last line it prints before it times out) so I am keen to grab a  
selection of messages to see what, if any thing they have in common.


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