dying children?

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at technologytiger.net
Mon Aug 4 15:09:18 IST 2008

On 4 Aug 2008, at 14:48, Julian Field wrote:

> The new beta including complete protection against bugs and crashes  
> in HTML::Parser is just uploading now... You're looking for 4.71.5-1  
> or greater.
> Note there is a new languages.conf setting, so you will need to run
>   upgrade_languages_conf
> after upgrading to this new release. If you don't then the report  
> will always come out in English, which you may not want. :-(
> Please let me know how you get on with this. It appears to work for  
> me with the message with all the nested <FONT> tags that kills  
> HTML::Parser.
> I would be particularly interested in your views on the performance  
> impact this fix has, and therefore whether I need to add a feature  
> to enable/disable it or anything else like that.

Thanks Jules

Give me a few hours and I'll install this. Just have a few bits to do  


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