Whitelist/Blacklists and BATV

Rose, Bobby brose at med.wayne.edu
Wed Apr 9 19:19:21 IST 2008

I'm staring to see BATV use increasing.  Has anyone thought about how
this effects whitelists, mta acls, etc?  It looks like such things are
broken because if an end-user whitelists joe at foo.com and BATV has the
mail from as prvs=joe=1312 at foo.com, then that whitelisting has no
effect.  And since the BATV signature changes, they can't whitelist that
even if they new what batv signed address was for that sender.

Any thought about how to resolve this?  I was thinking of stripping out
the batv stuff to get the senders address for matching but I see
different kinds of prvs= addresses out there.  Some have
prvs=xxxxx=joe at foo.com and others have prvs=joe=xxxx at foo.com


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