SA/MS Installer dependencies

Julian Field MailScanner at
Tue Apr 8 19:22:38 IST 2008

Alex Broens wrote:
> On 4/8/2008 3:57 PM, Julian Field wrote:
>> Alex Broens wrote:
>>> On 4/8/2008 2:51 PM, Julian Field wrote:
>>> Alex Broens wrote:
>>> >> Jules,
>>> >> - Seems SA dependencies are added by the MS installer.
>>> >> why?
>>> >> This breaks possible SA updates and forces the admin into setup 
>>> methods which *could* cause isssues in the future
>>> >>
>>> >> The one more noticeably missing are
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> REQUIRED module missing: HTML::Parser
>>> >This is in both packages, as both of them need it.
>>> > optional module missing: LWP::UserAgent (for sa-update)
>>> > optional module missing: HTTP::Date (for sa-update)
>>> >
>>> > I came across this when I wanted to update an older MailScanner 
>>> box with  the latest SA/Clam installer.
>>> >
>>> >> Could you please keep SA's dependencies in SA's installer and not 
>>> in MS's
>>> >What are you saying do you think is wrong? HTML::Parser is the only 
>>> >important one here, and is in both the MailScanner and ClamAV+SA 
>>> >distributions as both of them need it.
>>> I see them there... but as said. The installer borked with that msg.
>>> Thanks for (hopefully) adding the others  required by sa-update:
>>> _______________________________
>>> NOTE: the optional LWP::UserAgent module is not installed.
>>> NOTE: the optional HTTP::Date module is not installed.
>>>  The "sa-update" script requires this module to make HTTP
>>>   If-Modified-Since GET requests.
>>> optional module missing: HTTP::Date 
>> So what you would actually like me to do is add HTTP::Date to the 
>> SpamAssassin installation package?
> Yep,
> AND: If you & other admins agree, LWP::UserAgent and its *immediate* 
> dependencies to be able to run sa-update out of the box.
All done. I have added libnet and libwww-perl to the (long) list already 
there. They both appear to install unattended just fine, with the odd 
"-n" and "yes n" commands here and there :-)

I have updated the copy of the ClamAV+SpamAssassin on the website.

If you download it and get an old version, your web browser / proxy / 
cache is caching an out of date one somewhere, the version linked on the 
website is definitely the right version.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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