SA times out

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Apr 2 16:45:54 IST 2008

Julian Field wrote:
> Kevin Miller wrote:
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> What happens if you put one of those Russian spam in your incoming
>>> mail queue, run MailScanner --debug --debug-sa and watch what
>>> happens? The --debug-sa now outputs time stamps with every debug line
>>> output, so you can see exactly how long it is waiting at each stage.
>> If there's a bunch of messages in the incoming queue, how do you specify
>> which message you want to test against?
> You can't.
>>   I don't know if that
>> functionality is already there,
> It's not.
>>  but perhaps a feature request could be a
>> CLI switch to specify the message ID so MS only scans the particular
>> message(s) that you're interested in observing.
> Good idea. I'll take a look. Would a single ID do?
All done. It will be in the next release.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at

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Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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