The Good Doctor

DAve dave.list at
Tue Apr 1 22:27:40 IST 2008

Martyn Routley wrote:
> Steve Freegard wrote:
>> Leland J. Steinke wrote:
>>> Sarah Jane, Leela, Peri, or either of the Romanas (or Rose or Martha? 
>>> (or Jack, if one swings that way? (grin)))
>> Romana Mk 2 without the shadow of a doubt ;-)
> No way!
> It has to be Donna.

I liked Kaylee from Firefly, something about a girl half in coveralls 
with a bit of dirt on her face. I can't resist them, I always like the 

Kaylee would sit down and talk Perl with Julian while she changed out a 
nic card on a running server with nothing but a butter knife.


In 50 years, our descendants will look back on the early years
of the internet, and much like we now look back on men with
rockets on their back and feathers glued to their arms, marvel
that we had the intelligence to wipe the drool from our chins.

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