Including popip.db into whitelist

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Sep 26 18:03:26 IST 2007

on 9/26/2007 1:54 AM Kit Wong spake the following:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailscanner-bounces at
> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Scott
> Silva
> Sent: 25 September 2007 17:44
> To: mailscanner at
> Subject: Re: Including popip.db into whitelist
> on 9/25/2007 6:52 AM Kit Wong spake the following:
>> Hi All
>> I have searched everywhere on the internet for an answer and have
>> decided to email those who know.
>> I have mailscanner/spamassassin running + MailWatch. I have noticed
> the
>> a lot of my client's emails are getting scanner  and some are marked
> as
>> spam. Since the server uses pop-before-smtp a list of valid ip address
>> are stored within popip.db
>> Is there a way of dynamically querying popip.db to not scan emails
> from
>> those ips. I have already whitelisted/bypassed as described
> on
>> a post somewhere.
>> Adding domain names which are hosted on the server will not work due
> to
>> spoof emails.
>> Hope someone can help
>> Kit
> Are they getting marked as spam because they are on dynamic ip's or are
> they 
> getting marked as spam because they look spammy?
> One is easy to fix, but the other will start getting your server on
> blacklists.
 >I am not too concerned about what the content is on the email, its just
 >that the popip.db holds valid ips that have been successfully logged in
 >via pop. Emails from ips listed within the db shouldn't need to be
 >scanned. Its just if there is a simple way of including this list then
 >it would make life easier.
You could have remote users come in on a different port like 587 and have that 
go to a different queue. Or find a way to add a authed header with something 
like mimedefang, or see if you can write a rule in spamassassin to check if 
they are authed and give a negative score.

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You hope everybody uses it, and
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