OT: redirection, a bad idea???

Ugo Bellavance ugob at lubik.ca
Tue Sep 25 23:38:22 IST 2007

Denis Beauchemin wrote:
> Hello all,
> The PHB are talking about redirecting grad students' local email 
> accounts to some other external account they read more frequently. All 
> students get a @USherbrooke.ca email address in their first year.  PHB 
> would like to continue sending emails to grad students at their 
> @USherbrooke.ca email address after they left but instead of being 
> stored on our servers, it would be redirected (probably through a LDAP 
> lookup) to some external email address they would provide us.
> If implemented, will our servers risk getting blacklisted by others?  If 
> so, how could I still redirect the emails without too much trouble?
> Thanks!
> Denis

Be carefull with SPF, as you will breaking it, as any forwarder does.


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