OT: redirection, a bad idea???

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USherbrooke.ca
Tue Sep 25 19:47:14 IST 2007

Jeff A. Earickson a écrit :
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Denis Beauchemin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The PHB are talking about redirecting grad students' local email 
>> accounts to some other external account they read more frequently. 
>> All students get a @USherbrooke.ca email address in their first 
>> year.  PHB would like to continue sending emails to grad students at 
>> their @USherbrooke.ca email address after they left but instead of 
>> being stored on our servers, it would be redirected (probably through 
>> a LDAP lookup) to some external email address they would provide us.
>> If implemented, will our servers risk getting blacklisted by others?  
>> If so, how could I still redirect the emails without too much trouble?
> Denis,
> Do you mean redirect or forward?  To me, a redirect means "bounce the
> email back to the sender with new address information, eg
> User has moved, please try <new address>".  A forward is a (silent)
> retransmit of email to another address, which may or may not work.
> Our policy is:
> 1) We will only redirect (for six months) emails for graduates and 
> terminated employees.  We will NOT forward if you are gone for good.
> We want to advertise your new address for you.
> 2) We will only forward on a temporary basis if you are off-campus
> but otherwise still a student or faculty, eg semester abroad.  We
> will NOT forward if you are on-campus, period.  We don't care how
> much you like Gmail.  In general, I discourage off-campus forwards.
> Forwarding for indefinite periods of time is a bad idea, IMHO.
> Jeff Earickson
> Colby College

You are right... what we are planning to do is a forward, not a 
redirect!  Sorry for the confusion.

We do not allow forwarding for active students/staff but are planning on 
implementing it for graduate students.

All outbound email is scanned for virus/spam.

Should I be worried?



  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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