Weird Problem with MailScanner

Damian Rivas damian at
Tue Oct 23 15:57:59 IST 2007

Ok I finally understand what this
tutorial( means
in the parts I pasted before. According to that document you have to
specify the valid addresses one by one and the backscattering filter
just catch all the rest and throw them to trash.

## Reject Backscatter....
# reject unknown recipients, because SPAMMERS use this to spam other
# domains through bounces messages (user unknown).
# general rejection strings error:5.1.1:"550 User unknown" error:5.1.1:"550 User unknown"
# Valid internal EMAIL addresses
To:john.doe at RELAY
To:jane.joe at RELAY
To:postmaster at RELAY

The problem with this is that I have too many addresses and it would be
really tedious to write them all, aren't there a more human and nice

Oh and by the way, thanks Kevin I've managed to configured filtering in
my MS Exchange server, thanks for the documentation!

My sendmail is 8.12.11, greet pause was released only for 8.13 versions
or are there some for the latest 8.12?

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