Performance on 64 bit Linux vs 32 Bit

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Tue Oct 23 09:45:59 IST 2007

On 23/10/2007, ram <ram at> wrote:
> I have been using MailScanner on 32 bit centos for quiet some time now
> on the ~25 Antispam servers which we have ( MailScanner + Postfix +
> Spamassassin + Custom spam engine )
> Now I was trying to evaluate  64 bit Linux. Would Mailscanner perform
> any better on 64 bit linux. I personally have no first-hand experience
> of 64 bit linux, I thought of doing some research before I upgrade
Perhaps not that much difference. For very large memory apps, it'd
make a world of difference (RDBMS-type things), but MS likely won't
benefit from this. Also take into account that most commercial
AV-scanners aren't 64-bit, so ... will have to run in 32-bit... with a
"slight" overhead.
That said, there have been discussions about this a few years back
(IIRC)... MS will run OK on Opterons and Intel x86-64 offerings. Do
look in the archives, it was a while back, and my memory of that
particular discussion is ... pretty vague:-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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