SpamHaus DROP list

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Oct 17 17:21:43 IST 2007

on 10/17/2007 9:02 AM Hugo van der Kooij spake the following:
> Hash: SHA1
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> on 10/17/2007 3:32 AM Kai Schaetzl spake the following:
>>> Scott Silva wrote on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 15:43:36 -0700:
>>>> I don't see any mention of the DROP list being in any zones on the
>>>> spamhaus site. Can you verify this with some links to info?
>>> Well, it should be part of it by definition as it is a subset of what
>>> is in PBL. The FAQ tells the same:
>>> Kai
>> It looks like 2 different things. The PBL is contributed to by block
>> owners that state what ranges of their address space shouldn't relay
>> mail, and the drop list is created by spamhaus over hijacked or
>> (completely controlled by spammers) space.
>> It looks like it will be much better when they get it into BGP routes
>> with ASN numbering so ISP's can just choose to blackhole it easily.
>> With IP4 running out of numbers, someone needs to figure out how to get
>> back all that "wasted" space to legitimate uses.
> That time would be better spend in migrating to IPv6. It is there. It is
> alive. I use it mainly to communicate localy and to my hosted servers in
>  differentl colo's.
> Hugo.
I agree. But until the entire world is using V6, we still need to use V4.
I don't have time to count all the numbers on the drop list, but I would guess 
it was over 250,000 potential crap sources pounding on our doors with both 
fists!  ;-)

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