Postfix queue fulling up

Maxime Gaudreault mgaudreault at
Wed Oct 17 16:33:32 IST 2007

I have a serious problem with my antispam gateway. The postfix queue is fulling up. It gets to 200-300 and even sometime more than 2000 mails in the queue.


The server is a HP BL20P G4. CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz



I noticed that the load average is about 2.0. If I check with "htop" I often see MailScanner: spam list or MailScanner: Checking with spamassassin using 100% of CPU. RAM is used to 50%.


MailScanner version: 4.64.3

SpamAssassin version: 3.1.7-2 (from Debian repos.)


I use FuzzyOCR, razor and DCC. I rarely had this problem before using razor and dcc and before upgrading to MS 4.64.3.


Here are some config from MailScanner.conf


Max Children = 5

Queue Scan Interval = 6

Restart Every = 14400

Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan = 100000000

Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan = 50000000

Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 30

Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30


I'm thinking of adding a 2nd CPU but I want to know if I can change some settings to fix the problem


Thanks and sorry for my very bad english


Maxime Gaudreault



Référence Systèmes inc.

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