Dont spam scan, if its a virus

Mikael Syska mikael at
Wed Oct 10 14:08:09 IST 2007


hvdkooij at wrote:
> Mikael Syska wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are probebly right ... but if the loads get too high, I guess this
>> could be a option.
> If you fear your load will be too high you need to reduce the load by
> other means. RBL's can be part of that strategy. Even simple pattern
> matches in the MTA may serve you well.
> Dropping extra signatures from ClamAV and let ClamAV concentrate on the
> virus half and let SA do the Spam part woud be another way.
> Hugo.
Maybe you are right ... not that the load is high at the moment, but I 
guess in the future it could raise even more, so it would be a god idea 
to know what could be done. thanks.

I will keep it this way for now.

// ouT

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