Anyone using MIMEDefang w/MailScanner to verify TO: address is valid

Steve Campbell campbell at
Fri Oct 5 14:09:26 IST 2007

I use it and it works very well. I have two mailservers for a few 
domains. Each one acts as a gateway for it's own domain. The other acts 
as a secondary for the other domain. Both have the mailboxes for their 
respective domains. I check for a valid address with MimeDefang whenever 
an email comes through a secondary. The primary checks itself with 
Sendmail so there is no need for MD to kick in, although it's there..

I can send you the filter if this is similar to what you are wanting to 
do, along with a brief explanation of how it works.

Steve Campbell

Jeff Ramsey wrote:
> I am getting over 20,000 messages every day now, and only 3-5% are not 
> spam. MailScanner is working great, however during the day it gets 
> backed up to the point that it takes over an hour to get a message in 
> or out.
> I was told that I could use MIMEDefang to verify that the TO: address 
> is actually a vaild user. I am not quite sure how I would write such a 
> filter. If anyone has a working mimedefang-filter for this situation, 
> can you please send it my way?
> Jeff Ramsey
> MIS Administrator
> TMI Forest Products, Inc.
> jefframsey at <mailto:jefframsey at>
> 360.477.0738
> -- 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by *MailScanner* <>, and is
> believed to be clean. 

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