OOT: Spamhaus professional service
Scott Silva
ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Nov 27 16:03:21 GMT 2007
on 11/27/2007 1:30 AM Budi Febrianto spake the following:
> Hi,
> I just move out to another company, that the size is bigger than the
> last one.
> I want to use spamhaus in mta level, but know I worried about the size.
> based on
> http://www.spamhaus.org/organization/dnsblusage.html
> I wonder, can I still use the free service, or I had to use the
> professional service?
> Number of user aprox 500 users, and it may double next year.
> I still don't kwnw how many emails we are receives everyday because
> rigth now we are using mdaemon as mail server. I plan to move it to
> mailscanner with zen.spamhaus.org
> Anybody still using spamhaus with the same user or maybe even larger
> users? Any problem?
> Thanks
I was using it with 2 servers, about 100 total users and I got firewalled. You
will probably need to buy a feed.
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