Postfix vs MailScanner : Slow Incoming Queue

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sun Nov 11 21:40:06 GMT 2007

on 11/10/2007 2:00 PM Glenn Steen spake the following:
> On 10/11/2007, Scott Silva <ssilva at> wrote:
>> on 11/10/2007 2:45 AM Glenn Steen spake the following:
>>> On 09/11/2007, Gerard Seibert <gerard at> wrote:
>>>> On Friday November 09, 2007 at 03:58:46 (AM) Glenn Steen wrote:
>>>> [ ... ]
>>>>> Ah. Great that you found it (all MTA, and OT, but still.... One could
>>>>> well think the ones over at the PF list would've been able to see
>>>>> this:-):-)... Anyway... I do think that evere other second is a bit
>>>>> often, you could try every 10 or 15 seconds or similar... Would mean
>>>>> approximately 25 deliveries in every chunk. But if the system doesn't
>>>>> suffer too much from the queue scans... well, every other second it
>>>>> is:-).
>>>> OK, I don't want to start a war here; however, I saw "R Wahyudi
>>>> <rwahyudi at>" original post on the Postfix forum. I did not see a
>>>> copy of his 'postconf -n' output. Without that information it would have been
>>>> virtually impossible for anyone to have accurately diagnosed his problem.
>>> As you know Gerard, I'm not the contentious type;-). No wars in sight...
>>> You are quite right, Rianto could have been as detailed as he (or is
>>> that a female name?) eventually was here, but that is not my point...
>>> All I say is that they could have asked for relevant information (not
>>> just the "use of MailScanner disqualifies you from ever getting our
>>> help" line).
>>> As you did here.
>>> I don't think there is any argument here, is there?
>>>> IMHO, he would be well served to post that information, as well as detailed
>>>> information regarding his network on the Postfix forum so that his problem
>>>> could be properly analysed. Altering the default settings as much as he
>>>> apparently has done does not seem correct.
>>> Yes,I think it a bit ... extreme... too. But with the figures of
>>> incoming mail s/he cites, if the qmgr really only wakeup every five
>>> minutes... that *will* land him/her with a seemingly slow delivery,
>>> there is no argumenting with that. On the other hand, I'm sure one
>>> could try affect the operation of the qmgr other ways that might get
>>> the same effect, or even some MailScanner setting.
>>> I'm very busy/tired ATM, so haven't spent even close to enough time
>>> looking at this problem ...  Perhaps shouldn't be posting on the list
>>> at all... Sigh - Where did things like "free time" and "relaxation"
>>> go?:-)
>>> Cheers
>> My free time seems to be from when my head hits the pillow to when the alarm
>> clock or phone rings!  ;-P
> :-)
>> Lately, I have been in the emergency room almost every night with my spouse
>> and her condition that the doctors call "Irritable bowel syndrome" or
>> translated to layman's terms "Yes she is vomiting and yes she has pain, but we
>> just can't figure out what is causing it"
> I got that diagnose too, initially.... If it isn't UC (which is pretty
> obvious, whatwith all the blood) IBS is the next thing they try out as
> an explanation... They've done the lovely endoscopic things ... ? From
> "both ends"...? Since IBS is an "exclusion diagnose", I suppose they
> have...
> Nowadays, a good gastroenterologist will see if it's Crohns ... and
> the pathology will confirm it... But there are many strange things
> that look like IBS (even epelepsy... Strange as it sounds).
> A dear friend of mine has IBS (and her husband has UC....). What they
> seem to find most irritating is that the doctors just shrug it of,
> since they really have no clue what to do. Doesn't mean she's in any
> less pain, or that the condition isn't grave.... Just not immediately
> life-threatening. Oh well, you already know this, I imagine.
> I feel for you both.
>> Trying to function at work on one or two hours of sleep is starting to get to
>> me, but I have missed so much work in the last 5 years that I am afraid to
>> take too much time off.
> Well, if I were you.... I'd talk to the PHB about what he can do to
> make it possible for you to function as "caretaker" while still
> pulling your load at work. If it means more work from home, gadgets,
> phones, portables whatever.... Get him to see the business "profit" of
> having you available... when you really aren't;-)
> But you're a smart guy, you already did that...;)
> If all else fails, a power-nap (on the WC, if it is otherwise frowned
> upon:) can save any day:-):-)
>> I feel for all of you with cronic conditions, and just remember that as long
>> as you are on the green side of the grass, things aren't as bad as they could be.
> Yeah, being alive sure beats being fertilizer:-). And as I said in the
> other mail, in answer to Drew, my new meds have put a new face on
> things... Hardly any pain at all, normal excrements... Life is
> definitely looking up. From where I stand ATM, at least:-).
> Hang in there budy, I know you're a virtual pillar of support, and
> comfort, for her!
> Cheers
They started her on clonazepan, a relative of vallium, and it seems to be 
helping. She always was one to stress over everything.
Lucily I react to stress differently...I get very sleepy.. I have even fallen 
asleep during domestic arguments.
But that can start its own fires. ;-P

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You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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