Your recommendation please: big volume mail solution
Scott Silva
ssilva at
Tue Nov 6 19:46:50 GMT 2007
on 11/6/2007 11:29 AM Arthur Sherman spake the following:
> Hi,
> A client asked me to build for him a mail solution, capable of sending up to
> 1 milllion emails a day, while each email doesn't exceed 50KB in size.
> How do I calculate:
> 1) how many servers
> 2) how do I calculate the above
> 3) is there any max emails a day from IP/domain, which triggers black and
> blocklists
> 4) what is your recommended software solution
> On this stage, most distribution would be in single country.
> Thanks in advance
> Arthur
Sounds suspiciously like a spammer!
Give us his domain so we can blacklist him before he starts ;-P
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