Beta release 4.60.6

Koopmann, Jan-Peter jan-peter at
Tue May 29 07:05:16 IST 2007

On Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:57 AM Budi Febrianto wrote:

> Now I'm feel sorry for those third party softwares that offers the
> same (and mostly less) features like Mailscanner and sell it for
> expensive price.  

:-) Now? Why not any earlier? .-)

Oh and BTW: Commercial software still has its place. You would wounder how many Administrators simply are not capable of setting up a Linux/BSD system with MailScanner on it. They want a simple box they can put in their rack without having to worry about it.

Yet on the other hand there is a commercial mailscanner solution which solves exactly this problem... :-)


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