Interesting need

Rob Poe rpoe at
Mon May 14 19:46:29 IST 2007

>>> Archive mail "forwards" email? I thought it only "archived" it...

>> RTFM my friend :-)

>Yes I did, and I have a question...Wouldn't using Archive Mail
>forwarding include all the spam etc? 

Yes, it does.  

This was brought to me by an admin assistant to a lawyer, who expects that all of his email gets delivered to both of them.  I had a rule set up in their email system to do such a thing, but if he opens the email BEFORE the rule fires, it's no longer "unopened" and doesn't forward.  Even though it's NOT supposed to work like that -- it does .. bug or feature.  

So using Jules' suggestion, I put it in and it works beautifully.  The admin assistant complained she was now receiving more spam than she used to (duuuh!), and I explained why she was.  She wanted "something done about it".  I explained to her that her boss wanted as FEW spam controls as possible, as their clients don't admin their own email systems, and rely on brain-dead admins (or brain-dead shared mail systems) who can't configure mail software or domains to RFC specs - and thus get flagged as spam.  Since he's involved in multi-billion dollar deals for his clients, I turned many of the big spam rules off for them - and they do get spam.  It's the whole "can't have cake and eat it too" things..

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