RayJ raywjohnson at
Sat May 12 02:55:40 IST 2007

Alden Levy <alden <at>> writes:

> I had a problem a long time ago on my old server that never got solved;
> unfortunately, it's reared it's ugly head on the new server (I had to copy
> over a file from the old server), and I'd like to put it to bed for good.
> Basically, when I start MS, all works well, but when I check status, I get
> an error 
> # service MailScanner status
> Checking MailScanner daemons:
>          MailScanner:                                      [  OK  ]
>          incoming sendmail:                                [ FAIL ]
>          outgoing sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
> However, it works fine as it is.  In order to get rid of the fail, though,
> I've been updating with the proper pid, and everything
> works.
> --SNIP--
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> For the record, I am running MS 4.68.9-1 and SA 3.18 on CentOS 4.4.
> Thanks,
> Alden
Hi Alden,
Found this while looking for an answer to the same problem:

This is what fix it!
service MailScanner stop
service sendmail stop <-- Important!

Make sure no PIDs remain:
ls -al /var/run <-- This one seemed to be the problem!

Not sure these had any effect, but tried anyway!
chkconfig --del mailscanner
chkconfig --del sendmail
chkconfig --add sendmail
chkconfig --add mailscanner

service MailScanner start

Hope that helps!


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