Attachment filename filter rules (sophisticated)

Ohlenmacher, Olaf Olaf.Ohlenmacher at
Wed May 9 13:42:15 IST 2007

we drop attachments by filenames extentions. Nowerdays attachment filenames are MIME-coded so that Umlauts and other special characters can be handled in a 7-Bit clean way.

My question:
Are the regular expressions applied to the decoded filenames or are they applied to the encoded filenames.

I have found binary-UTF-8 encoded attachment filenames in the wild which looks like 


which is a file with the name "das ist ein äöüß testfile mit sonderzeichen". 
These binary-coded MIME are not regular, so they can not be parsed from regular expressions.

Best regards,
  Olaf Ohlenmacher

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