Archive Mail Settings

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Wed May 9 08:23:42 IST 2007

According to mailscanner.conf,

# Any of the items above can contain the magic string _DATE_ in them
# which will be replaced with the current date in yyyymmdd format.
# This will make archive-rolling and maintenance much easier, as you can
# guarantee that yesterday's mail archive will not be in active use today.

Could it be possible to modify _DATE_ so that it only shows yyyymm 
instead? That way monthly archives would be a cinch.

I have *no* idea how to do this in perl (only thing I know about perl is 
how to "try to" install modules using CPAN), but I'm sure a kind soul 
here would know how to do a sed incantation that would make this possible.

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