Permissions to use Clamd with Postfix?

Daniel Maher daniel.maher at
Tue May 8 15:14:30 IST 2007

From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Paul Hutchings
Sent: May 8, 2007 10:05 AM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Permissions to use Clamd with Postfix?

As subject really, I'm a little confused.  I'm running MailScanner with Postfix and would like to be able to use ClamD simply as I presume it's going to be faster than Clamscan.

My "run as" user/group is Postfix.  The permissions on /var/incoming/mail are postfix.postfix. 

What do I need to do to make MailScanner work with Clamd as at the moment when I try it I simply get an "/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/14276/.: lstat() failed. ERROR" or similar.

Clamd is likely running as user "clamav", which doesn't have read permissions for the incoming directory.

The solution is twofold:
1. Change your "run as" options to use to "postfix.clamav"
2. Change the ownership of incoming to postfix.clamav, and give it group read perms

I had to setgid the incoming directory in order to make sure that the runtime dirs under incoming actually had their ownership set properly, but ymmv.


 °v°  Daniel Maher
/(_)\ Administrateur Système Unix
 ^ ^  Unix System Administrator
"How can a man choose between Fresh and Fly?  And believe me, there IS a difference." - Crack Stuntman, 2007.

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