Very newbie relaying question

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Thu May 3 23:15:24 IST 2007

René Berber wrote:
> You are using the old syntax, which may not be what you want.
> If all your server IPs are public then you are on the right track, if 
> your servers have internal/external addresses you are better off using 
> the internal ones.
> An example of what you can do is access as:
> # Allow relying from LAN
> Connect:192.168.0                       RELAY
> Connect:                       RELAY
> Connect:exchange_server_IP              RELAY
> # Whitelist
> Connect:other_external_IP               RELAY
You're assuming there is a zero percent chance any of the machines on 
the internal network may be spam zombies. This isn't usually true.

You might want to look into SMTP AUTHentication and/or allow relaying 
only from the (ugh) exchange box, which should be set to only allow 
relaying from AUTHenticated users.

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