32 bit distro or 64?

Rick Chadderdon mailscanner at yeticomputers.com
Thu May 3 22:17:38 IST 2007

Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Thu, 3 May 2007, Rick Chadderdon wrote:
>> Still, it is much easier to get support from a vendor if you're using
>> their software the way that they intended.  I can already hear, "Oh, I'm
>> sorry, we don't support that product running on a 64-bit OS."  Even if
>> the problem you're having is not related to the OS at all.  Just
>> something to consider.
> In this case you vote with your wallet and find another vendor. Works
> for me anyway :)

Oh, absolutely.  But, it doesn't stop it from being a genuine issue. 
And, sometimes, you'll find that there is *not* a vendor that offers the
service/product you want, the way you want it.  I'm a very independent
person, so I'll do things my own way regardless of what support I can
get.  I do recognize, however, that this is not the best solution for

And, being self-employed, I can only shoot myself in the foot.  If you
work for someone else, it's important to understand how they feel about
such issues.  "Sir, we have to switch away from "Company A" because I
chose solution X, and they won't support it," just might cause a bit of
a ruckus if the company has a lot of money tied up in Company A's
products.  The old "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" argument. 
Sadly, due to the typical corporate mindset, it has some merit.


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