A lot of spam getting through

Billy A. Pumphrey bpumphrey at woodmclaw.com
Tue May 1 15:11:09 IST 2007

> Have a look at http://www.freespamfilter.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=25
> That forum although quiet has some good tips for additional fuzzyocr
> configuration such as additional words and scansets. Did you install
> and ocrad OCR plugins?

Ok, after I downloaded it, I remembered and seen that they are just
files to be put in the directories.  As far as the installs, I

I had some of the things installed before I upgraded fuzzy, then I
installed more.  I went through the instructions seemingly thoroughly
for the install of the 3.5.1 version.  I installed a ton of stuff, well
seems like it.  The only thing that I did not install was the DBD::mysql
module part.  I install the optional MLDBM and other.  I am now getting
some errors in the lint test.  

I have not enabled the hashing yet.

[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for giftopnm 0.00013 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for jpegtopnm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pngtopnm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for bmptopnm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for tifftopnm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for ppmhist 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pamfile 0.00012 
[8894] info: FuzzyOcr: Using ocrad => /usr/local/bin/ocrad 0.00017 
[8894] info: FuzzyOcr: Using gocr => /usr/local/bin/gocr 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pnmnorm 0.0001 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pnminvert 0.0001 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pamthreshold 0.00011 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for ppmtopgm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for pamtopnm 0.00012 
[8894] warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for tesseract

Man, there are a lot of entries for the fuzzy in the lint.  Do you have
a quick answer on how to fix the above?

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