IP address reputation, BorderWare

Matt Hampton matt at coders.co.uk
Thu Mar 22 23:57:38 CET 2007

Chris Yuzik wrote:

> My understanding is that our servers don't do SAV unless the inbound 
> message is for a real recipient (or alias). We prohibit the use of a 
> "catch-all" alias, so a dictionary attack on our server won't really 
> have much effect on you. Or am I wrong (we use SMF-SAV with Sendmail)? 
> If I'm wrong, and the milter initiates a verification even before 
> checking to see if a recipient exists, then I may have to re-evaluate 
> our stance.

You are wrong! The standard version does the checks at MAIL FROM stage.

I am currently re-writing smf-sav to do exactly what you have suggested. 
  It should be completed tommorrow....

Contact me off list if you are interested...


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