upgraded mailscanner, no more quarantine

Blaze King blaze at lake.k12.ca.us
Thu Mar 22 20:08:09 CET 2007

Hey I'm a long time mailscanner user, but this is my first post to the
list.  I recently upgraded to 4.58.9-1 on my rhel3 server.  Since then,
nothing ends up in quarantine.  Here's what I know...



Quarantine Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine

Quarantine User = root

Quarantine Group = apache  (I'm using mailwatch)

Quarantine Permissions = 0600

Quarantine Infections = yes

Quarantine Whole Message = yes

Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no


[root at mail MailScanner]# ll /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine

total 0


Any suggestions?  Thanks!


Blaze King

Senior Network Administrator

Lake County Office of Education

(707) 262-4147


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