OT: F-Prot

Res res at ausics.net
Mon Mar 19 23:26:06 CET 2007

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Fabio Pedretti wrote:

> Hi, I recently upgraded some servers from f-prot 4.5.4 (with mail server 
> licence) to clamav 0.90.1 and I am very satisfied. I am also using additional 
> signatures from http://www.sanesecurity.com/clamav/ for filtering also 
> phishing and scam mails. I suggest you to try clamav before buying a licence 
> for a commercial AV.

Be very very careful, I used to use clam, until I found its hit rate was 
less than a third of f-prots, have not used it since.


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