Is it possible to quarantine all mail messages while delivering none spam ?

Mikael Syska mikael at
Mon Mar 19 22:40:25 CET 2007


# This is just like the "Spam Actions" option above, except that it applies
# to messages that are *NOT* spam.
#    deliver                 - deliver the message as normal
#    delete                  - delete the message
#    store                   - store the message in the quarantine
#    forward user at - forward a copy of the message to 
user at
#    striphtml               - convert all in-line HTML content to plain 
#    header "name: value"    - Add the header
#                                name: value
#                              to the message. name must not contain any 
# The default value I have set here enables Thunderbird 1.5 to automatically
# handle spam when set to trust the "SpamAssassin" headers.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, in which case the filename
# must end in ".rule" or ".rules".
Non Spam Actions = deliver header "X-Spam-Status: No"

so I guess its possible .... and the like wise rules with high score 
spam and normal score spam ....

best regards
Mikael Syska

BB wrote:
> I have a setup with a company that archives all mail.  Currently using 
> webmin to read all users mail.from archives.  Split into daily 
> archives(cron scripts). 
> While perl (webmin) is wonderful it is resource intensive.
> Is there a way to do this via mailwatch ?  SQL reference message ID.
> Please... don't want to here about the politically  correct blah.  
> Most companies in the business of making money do this to protect them 
> selfs from IP theft.

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