Additional recipients within same lose mail when quarantined/released...

am.lists am.lists at
Thu Mar 15 19:47:45 CET 2007

On 3/15/07, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
> On 15/03/07, am.lists <am.lists at> wrote:
> > Sorry for the ramble of a subject line, but what I'm seeing is
> > essentially lost mail to additional recipients.
> >
> > Scenario: (Config: Postfix, Mailscanner, Mailwatch.)
> >
> > Bob sends John and Mary an email. It gets tagged as spam. Both are at
> > As John's listed as the first to address in the
> > envelope, he gets the message in his quarantine. He releases it. Mary
> > knows nothing of the email. No quarantine file for her (in MailWatch),
> > and when John releases it, it only goes to John.
> >
> > Variation:
> >
> > Bob sends to Tom and John. John is at but Tom is at
> > Both are handled by my mailscanner. Same exact
> > behavior as above.
> >
> > I've been googling this and the solutions I've found have been really
> > ancient (2003 vintage), and as such, several versions of released code
> > old.
> >
> > I'm wondering if there's some new way of fixing this issue? I don't
> > particularly want to rig up a second instance of postfix on some odd
> > port just to fix this... unless I have to. 8-(
> >
> > Angelo
> Not yet, there isn't... Unless you patch MailWatch to handle this
> (ISTR there being some patches for this floating around).

Well, I've made a right mess of my kit by trying Joost's referred
article. There's at least one or two material typos in it, and it's a
dickens to troubleshoot. I'm meddling a bit more with it before
reverting back.


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