Spam score is negative, yet message is still marked as spam

Daniel Maher daniel.maher at
Mon Mar 12 16:13:57 CET 2007

> > Let it also be known that I plan to upgrade to 2.3.x in the very near
> > future. :)
> Why not '2.4' instead? It has several improvements for SASL and TLS,
> among other changes. I have used the 2.4 beta for over a year now,
> always keeping up to date with the snapshots, and find it to be a very
> stable program.

Frankly stated, my management here is very scared of the word "beta".  As a general rule, we run stable only, unless there is no other option.

This seems to be a pretty standard reality for most corporate environments I've worked in. :/

 °v°  Daniel Maher
/(_)\ Administrateur Système Unix
 ^ ^  Unix System Administrator
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.". - Anatole France (1844-1924)

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