SOT: Image Spam: Stocks

Chris Yuzik itdept at
Sat Mar 3 06:52:05 CET 2007

am.lists wrote:
> Has anyone ever looked at the tickers that are spammed out in those
> image spam stock scams?
> Just curious. I occasionally look them up to see if the "big news"
> ever comes, or if the stocks that are mentioned ever move.  I bet it
> would be interesting to track them.
> I looked one up recently (the speculative one regarding fruit) and
> that stock seems to be completely stagnant.
> Being the case, at least with this one, I have to wonder how it is
> that the spammers feel this is worth spending their botnets' bandwidth
> on?  No money seems to be trading hands on these issues, so no one is
> really making money, only wasting it.
> Angelo

Here you go:


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