mailscanner + mailwatch

Matt Hayes mailscanner at
Fri Jun 29 21:21:15 IST 2007

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, Manuel Cabrera Caballero wrote:
>> I have any setup of MailScanner-4.61.6-1 + MailWatch 1.04 + Postfix.
>> With Postfix + mailscanner I send and received emails ok but MailWatch 
>> not showing mails to me.
> If the syslog logging seems to be OK I suggest you check the MailWatch 
> mailinglist archives for common causes.
> If you have checked and tested them and it still fails to log anything 
> in mailwatch send a detailed description to the mailwatch mailinglist 
> and include the exact syslog for a message, steps taken to check and 
> remedy the situation, .....
> Hugo.

On top of what Hugo suggested, I would highly recommended looking at 
your web server logs and mail logs closely.  They do reveal quite a bit 
of information most of the time as to what the cause can be.


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