Planning to upgrade from 4.50.15 to latest stable (4.60.8-1)

Chris W. Parker cparker at
Thu Jun 21 21:23:29 IST 2007

OK thanks guys.

I'm currently in the process of installing MailScanner (~30 minutes so


Regarding upgrading Spamassassin, is the best way to do that to download
the ClamAV/Spamassassin package on


-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Julian
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:56 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: Planning to upgrade from 4.50.15 to latest stable

That's what I would advise too. Do MailScanner first, then SpamAssassin,
then everything else.

Martin.Hepworth wrote: 

	I usually update MailScanner (it's easy to rollback), then the
3rd party
	apps once I'm happy with MS...
	Martin Hepworth
	Snr Systems Administrator
	Solid State Logic
	Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

		-----Original Message-----
		From: mailscanner-bounces at
		bounces at] On Behalf Of Chris W.
		Sent: 21 June 2007 19:48
		To: MailScanner discussion
		Subject: Planning to upgrade from 4.50.15 to latest
stable (4.60.8-1)
		I'm planning to do an upgrade but I have a few questions
before I do


		I'm using the following document as a guide:
		1. Do I need to upgrade the 3rd party apps before I do
the MailScanner
		upgrade or after?
		1b. Or does the MailScanner RPM update the apps during
install on its
		2. Will 4.60.8-1 work with my installed 3rd party apps
so that I can
		test the upgrade (in case I need to do a rollback)?
		Here is the output of 'MailScanner -V'.
		[root at filter ~]# MailScanner -V
		Running on
		Linux 2.6.9-22.0.1.EL #1 Thu Oct 27
12:26:11 CDT
		2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
		This is CentOS release 4.2 (Final)
		This is Perl version 5.008005 (5.8.5)
		This is MailScanner version 4.50.15
		Module versions are:
		1.00    AnyDBM_File
		1.14    Archive::Zip
		1.03    Carp
		1.119   Convert::BinHex
		1.00    DirHandle
		1.05    Fcntl
		2.73    File::Basename
		2.08    File::Copy
		2.01    FileHandle
		1.06    File::Path
		0.14    File::Temp
		1.32    HTML::Entities
		3.48    HTML::Parser
		2.35    HTML::TokeParser
		1.21    IO
		1.10    IO::File
		1.123   IO::Pipe
		1.71    Mail::Header
		3.05    MIME::Base64
		5.419   MIME::Decoder
		5.419   MIME::Decoder::UU
		5.419   MIME::Head
		5.419   MIME::Parser
		3.03    MIME::QuotedPrint
		5.419   MIME::Tools
		0.10    Net::CIDR
		1.08    POSIX
		1.77    Socket
		0.08    Sys::Syslog
		1.86    Time::HiRes
		1.02    Time::localtime
		Optional module versions are:
		0.17    Convert::TNEF
		1.809   DB_File
		1.11    DBD::SQLite
		1.50    DBI
		1.08    Digest
		1.01    Digest::HMAC
		2.33    Digest::MD5
		2.10    Digest::SHA1
		0.44    Inline
		0.17    Mail::ClamAV
		3.001000        Mail::SpamAssassin
		1.997   Mail::SPF::Query
		0.15    Net::CIDR::Lite
		0.48    Net::DNS
		0.31    Net::LDAP
		1.94    Parse::RecDescent
		missing SAVI
		1.4     Sys::Hostname::Long
		2.42    Test::Harness
		0.47    Test::Simple
		1.95    Text::Balanced
		1.35    URI
		MailScanner mailing list
		mailscanner at
		Before posting, read
		Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the

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	Red Lion 49 Ltd T/A Solid State Logic
	Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 
	(Company No:5362730)
	Registered Office: 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5
	United Kingdom


Julian Field MEng CITP
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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