FW: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.1 available

Koopmann, Jan-Peter jan-peter at koopmann.eu
Tue Jun 12 19:30:28 IST 2007


> Has anyone used this package on FreeBSD? I'm not real enamored with
> ports system any longer. No offense to the MS port maintainer, it has

none taken.

> always worked for us just fine, it is packaging systems in general I
> have a problem with.

I would like to understand this a bit better since I fail to see the
problem. As long as you keep your ports up to date (which you need to do
one way or the other) you should have no trouble at all. I never tried
Jules installation script on BSD and have no clue whether or not it

Unless there is a damn good reason for doing everything manually I
really strongly advise against it. Otherwise you could get parallel perl
modules etc. Nasty.

Do you use portmanager or portupgrade?

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