MailScanner won't start after upgrade to 4.60.8-1

Denis Croombs denis at
Fri Jun 8 11:02:10 IST 2007

> Run this in debug mode and pastebin the output if you can't spot an
> error...
> --
Output is:-

[root at bob ~]# service MailScanner restart && tail -f /var/log/maillog
Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
         MailScanner:                                      [FAILED]
         incoming sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
         outgoing sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
Starting MailScanner daemons:
         incoming sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
         outgoing sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
         MailScanner:       In Debugging mode, not forking...
check: no loaded plugin implements 'check_main': cannot scan! at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 164.
                                                           [  OK  ]
Jun  8 10:55:03 bob MailScanner-MRTG[20803]: Unable to find a mountpoint
for /var/spool.  Please set Spool Directory in mailscanner-mrtg.conf to a
valid mountpoint.  You can see a list of mointpoints on your system by
using the df command.
Jun  8 10:58:21 bob sendmail[20965]: alias database /etc/aliases rebuilt
by root
Jun  8 10:58:21 bob sendmail[20965]: /etc/aliases: 79 aliases, longest 17
bytes, 828 bytes total
Jun  8 10:58:21 bob sendmail[20973]: starting daemon (8.13.1): SMTP
Jun  8 10:58:21 bob sm-msp-queue[20977]: starting daemon (8.13.1):
queueing at 00:15:00
Jun  8 10:58:21 bob sendmail[20982]: starting daemon (8.13.1):
queueing at 00:15:00
Jun  8 10:58:23 bob MailScanner[20998]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
version 4.61.2 starting...
Jun  8 10:58:23 bob MailScanner[20998]: Read 777 hostnames from the
phishing whitelist
Jun  8 10:58:24 bob MailScanner[20998]: Using SpamAssassin results cache
Jun  8 10:58:24 bob MailScanner[20998]: Connected to SpamAssassin cache

I assume this is the issue (new 1 to me)
check: no loaded plugin implements 'check_main': cannot scan! at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 164.
                                                           [  OK  ]

Any clues ?



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