DomainKeys and DKIM signing support

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Jun 7 18:38:12 IST 2007

Julian Field spake the following on 6/7/2007 9:46 AM:
> Kevin Hansard wrote:
>> I would like to sign my outgoing emails with a DomainKeys or DKIM
>> signature. I have looked at using dkim-filter with sendmail to perform
>> this however the solution doesn't really work with MailScanner because
>> milters can only operate on incoming SMTP messages, so if MailScanner
>> makes any changes to the message the signature will be invalidated. In
>> our system we add a disclaimer using MailScanner to messages so the body
>> signature would always be invalid.
>> It seems sensible for MailScanner to perform this function immediately
>> before submitting the message for delivery. I don't think it would be
>> that hard to implement given the Mail::DKIM module would do most of the
>> work. However I am reluctant to start hacking the MailScanner code.
>> Is DKIM support on the MailScanner roadmap?
> Not yet, no; but it could be.
> Have you got a nice simple short and sweet document describing DKIM, how
> it works, what it protects against and why it will stop all spam :-)
The only thing that will stop all spam is to unplug the network cable from the
machine!  ;-P


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