Tempfs question

Rabellino Sergio rabellino at di.unito.it
Tue Jun 5 13:51:48 IST 2007

Steven Andrews wrote:
> Any thoughts on putting /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming into tempfs or
> am I asking for a problem by doing so?
> Steve
As per my knowledge, you must not use a tmpfs on a queue, if your host goes down, you'll loose the messages awaiting to 
be processed by MS.
i'm using the tmpfs only for bayesian DB (with a periodic dump on a real fs to save it) and for the scanning purposes.

Ing. Sergio Rabellino

  Head of ICT Services
  Department of Computer Science
  University of Torino (Italy)

Tel. +39-0116706701
Fax. +39-011751603

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